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Dear Black Pastors,

Updated: Feb 23, 2022

The Church NEEDS black leaders and pastors.

If you're black and feeling called to ministry, stay the course. PLEASE don't give up.

The experience going to conference after conference, hardly seeing black leaders can be unwelcoming and discouraging.

One is not enough. The tokenism is exhausting.

The absence of representation, especially when it comes to color, makes students wonder whether they truly have a place in ministry.

No matter the barriers, no matter the obstacles,

If God is for you, it doesn't matter who is against you.

The heart of God is representation. His heart is for every tribe and tongue to know his name — of course we need leaders of color. His heart is for people that have tasted and seen to testify of his goodness — of course we need the testimonies of people of color.

Your presence in leadership is so important.

In this racial climate, black attendees coming to church are wondering if they are truly at home and safe. Your presence in leadership helps them to answer this question.

Young black students in youth ministries hearing the call of God are wondering if there's a place for them in Church leadership. There is, and you are proof of that.

Please don't give up.

Because of how you are pioneering and the barriers you are breaking, a generation coming after us will attend and lead churches with leaders of every shade and background.

A generation coming after us will see the beauty of Christ's church in true unity— and recognize that in the church, they are home.

A generation of Black students coming after us will never have to wonder if they have a place in leadership.

It is a heavy burden to carry, and you don't carry it alone.

But as a black leader in ministry God will use you as an agent of change to address every remnant of the demonic spirit of racism. He will use you as an advocate for every child of God. The oppressed, the marginalized— all image bearers, loved deeply by Jesus.

The participation of people of color at every level in Church leadership, is the kingdom of heaven displayed.




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